Now that the holiday shopping season is here, your auto repair business may be seeing a lot more business as well. Shoppers sometimes get a little frenzied at the prospect of those amazing deals out there during this holiday gift giving time. Add in some inclement weather and you have got yourself the perfect recipe for unfortunate auto accidents. You might have an overabundance of vehicles waiting to be repaired. So what happens if something goes wrong at your auto shop and one of your key pieces of machinery breaks, making it impossible to fix any cars? How will you … Continue reading Your auto body and repair shop insurance coverage and the holidays
Author: artefact_admin
Winter maintenance for your HVAC system
With winter creeping up on us, you may notice that the heat is kicking on more often at the office. To make sure your system is running clean, you will want to complete a few maintenance projects on your business’s system. Keeping your system clean will help it run more efficiently, keep your employees safe and prevent unwanted claims on your insurance. Your best bet is to have a professional HVAC contractor visit your business to run some tests. He can test the quality of the air that is coming in and going out of the processor. He can determine … Continue reading Winter maintenance for your HVAC system
Workers Comp Benefits: Survivors’ and Dependents’ Benefits
Welcome back to our fifth and final week of the Massachusetts workers compensation September Series! The month certainly flew by quick. To close our series, we will be discussing Survivors’ and Dependents’ Benefits. This type of benefit is much different than the others. Individuals who qualify are those who are the spouse or child of an employee who has died due to a work-related injury or illness. A spouse is able to receive benefits for as long as they are dependent and unmarried. While a spouse is always eligible, children are only eligible if they are under 18 years of … Continue reading Workers Comp Benefits: Survivors’ and Dependents’ Benefits
Workers Comp Benefits: Permanent Loss of Function and Disfigurement Benefits
The Massachusetts workers compensation September Series continues. We hope that you have been reading along and enjoying the information that we have been providing. As a business owner, it is in your best interest to be educated on workers comp and the benefits that it provides for your employees. In the fourth week of our series, we will be discussing Permanent Loss of Function and Disfigurement Benefits. First and foremost, let’s learn who will qualify for this type of benefit. If a worker’s injury or illness results in a permanent loss of specific bodily functions, scarring, and/or disfigurement, they are … Continue reading Workers Comp Benefits: Permanent Loss of Function and Disfigurement Benefits
Workers Comp Benefits: Partial Incapacity & Permanent and Total Incapacity
We are officially in week three of Wolpert Insurance’s Massachusetts workers compensation September Series. Are you starting to feel like a workers comp benefits’ genius yet? Great! We have plenty of more information to share. Since we have TWO different benefits to discuss today, let’s get right down to business. Partial Incapacity Benefits: Employees who qualify for this type of workers compensation benefit are able to continue working. HOWEVER, these employees will lose a part of his or her earning capacity due to the injury or illness. For example: If the illness or injury complicates an employee’s ability to stay … Continue reading Workers Comp Benefits: Partial Incapacity & Permanent and Total Incapacity
Types of Workers Comp Benefits: Medical Benefits
Welcome back to our Massachusetts workers compensation September Series! It’s week two and we have another great post to share with business owners and employers in New England. This week, we are going to discuss Medical Benefits in relation to workers comp. Employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness that entails medical attention will qualify for this benefit—it is very common. The good news to share with your employees is that this benefit will go on as long as medical attention and services are required to properly care for an injury or illness. Let’s talk about the actual benefits. … Continue reading Types of Workers Comp Benefits: Medical Benefits
Types of Workers Comp Benefits: Temporary Total Incapacity Benefits
Welcome to our Massachusetts workers compensation September Series! Throughout the month of September, we will be going over the different types of workers compensation benefits. As a business owner, it is important to be aware of the benefits for those times that employees have questions or concerns about the coverage. While you may not be an expert on these benefits right now, you certainly will be by the end of the month! To kick the series off, we will begin with Temporary Total Incapacity Benefits. Individuals who are qualified for Temporary Total Incapacity Benefits are those who have an injury … Continue reading Types of Workers Comp Benefits: Temporary Total Incapacity Benefits
Massachusetts Workers Compensation Insurance Requirements
On the Wolpert Insurance blog, we cover an awful lot about Massachusetts workers compensation—answering FAQs, providing news, and keeping you up-to-date on changes in the industry. However, have we ever really gone over the simplicity of Massachusetts workers compensation? What we mean by this is: Have we ever talked about Massachusetts workers compensation requirements? Workers compensation requirements vary by state. This week, let’s dive into what is required in the state of Massachusetts. By now you know that employers in the state are required to carry workers comp that covers employees and themselves (if they are an employee at their … Continue reading Massachusetts Workers Compensation Insurance Requirements
How Does Workers Compensation Work When an Employee Quits After an Injury?
In most cases, employers are aware of the workers compensation basics. After all, you should be well-versed on the coverage that you are purchasing, right? While you may have the basics down, that does not always mean you are an expert when it comes to Massachusetts workers compensation and how to handle cases that occur on company property. Fortunately for you, WE are the experts at Wolpert Insurance. This is why we are here to answer anything and everything that you may be wondering about. This week, we would like to take a look at a scenario and answer a … Continue reading How Does Workers Compensation Work When an Employee Quits After an Injury?
Lump Sum Payments FAQs, Part 2
As promised, we are back with another round of FAQs in terms of Lump Sum Payments. Are you ready to be a Lump Sum expert? We thought so! FAQ #1: Will a Lump Sum affect any other claims an employee may have? Answer: NO! A Lump Sum will never affect any other separate action or proceeding. FAQ #2: Does Vocational Rehabilitation Services affect a Lump Sum? Answer: Yes, it does. A Lump Sum cannot be approved unless specific requirements are met (or at least one.) includes a list of the requirements. They include: • “You have returned to work … Continue reading Lump Sum Payments FAQs, Part 2