Have you ever considered the ramifications your business would face in the event that you were unprepared for an OSHA inspection? It can happen at any time – and your job as a business owner is to ensure that you are in compliance with common, expected health and safety regulations. In its simplest form, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH) was established to “assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women”. The law was enacted at the Federal level and allowed states to run their own safety and health programs, as long as those programs were … Continue reading Massachusetts Workers Compensation & OSHA Compliance
Author: artefact_admin
Risk Management Solutions for Massachusetts Business Owners
No matter what industry you may be involved in, as a Massachusetts business owner you will always be faced with some level of employee-related risks. Owning and operating your own commercial enterprise – whether that be a livery program, auto body shop or even a moving and storage company – that responsibility comes with a great deal of liability. Not to mention, that your employees are just one piece to that puzzle. From Massachusetts workers compensation claims to employment practices liability, there are a variety of risk exposures your business may face. However, by proactively improving the environment in which … Continue reading Risk Management Solutions for Massachusetts Business Owners
For the Business Owner: Assessing Your Holiday Exposures
Although the end of the year is near, that doesn’t mean the risks of the holidays will go away. As the New Year draws closer, there is no time better than now, to ensure your company is properly protected. As a business owner, you have many responsibilities; and assessing your holiday exposures should be at the top of your list this season. The holidays are a time for celebration and cherished memories with loved ones. However, according to the National Federations of Independent Business (NFIB), they can also bring an increased opportunity for burglary and vandalism that can negatively affect … Continue reading For the Business Owner: Assessing Your Holiday Exposures
Attention Commercial Drivers: DOT Outlaws the Use of Hand-Held Cellular Phones
We all rely on our cell phones to help us remain connected, whether it’s to personally stay in contact with loved ones or as a mechanism for communication among workers. However, as a proactive attempt to improve the safety of our roads, companies will have to shy away from the urge to pick up their mobile device will operating on the road. Effective January 3rd, 2010 the FMCSA and PHSMA are amending the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) and the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs) to restrict the use of hand-held mobile phones by all drivers of commercial motor vehicles … Continue reading Attention Commercial Drivers: DOT Outlaws the Use of Hand-Held Cellular Phones
What About Owner Operator Liability Insurance? How Does Non-Trucking Insurance Differ From Bobtail Insurance?
As an owner operator it’s important that you understand the coverages your motor carrier requires you to carry. There are a two primary liability options, in regards to insurance for owner operators and depending upon your specific trucking activities and motor carrier, you may have the opportunity to make some coverage decisions on your own. One coverage in particular, that any commercial trucking operator should consider, is Non-Trucking Liability insurance. Non-Trucking Liability insurance provides coverage in the event that an accident or loss occurs while you are using your commercial vehicle for non-business or personal use and is typically activated … Continue reading What About Owner Operator Liability Insurance? How Does Non-Trucking Insurance Differ From Bobtail Insurance?
Tis’ the Season for Host Liquor Liability & Massachusetts Insurance
The holidays are upon us – and with the impending snowfall, eggnog and gingerbread comes festive, seasonal gatherings of all shapes and sizes. Are you preparing for your annual holiday celebration? With so many details to take care of such as the food, decorations, and holiday games, you need to stay organized. Yet, one thing many hosts often fail to make a priority is their liability. As the host, you are responsible for everyone who attends the party. What if a neighbor spends a little too much time at the bar and becomes rowdy? With holiday events typically lasting well … Continue reading Tis’ the Season for Host Liquor Liability & Massachusetts Insurance
Cyber Bullying, Your Liability & Massachusetts Insurance
It’s likely that at some point in our lives we have all either been the victim or witnessed firsthand an act of bullying. Back, before there were computers, Smart Phones and a plethora of social networks, bullies operated by instilling fear or shame in their targets. Perhaps you were shoved into your locker while walking through a crowded hall or maybe you watched on as the quiet kid from science class was teased for being a “four-eyes”. For whatever reason, bullying still occurs – however in today’s society it has gotten much more high-tech. Cyber bullying commonly refers to any … Continue reading Cyber Bullying, Your Liability & Massachusetts Insurance
Attention Massachusetts Homeowners: Oil Heating System Upgrade & Insurance Law
With winter on its way, the change in seasons provides the perfect opportunity for Massachusetts homeowners to evaluate their current home heating system. With oil heat a popular New England staple, new upgrades have been issued to help ensure that your home heating system is clean, efficient and most importantly – safe. Massachusetts recently released a law to address oil leaks from home heating systems; the law contains 2 major provisions that require: The installation of either an oil safety valve or an oil supply line with protective sleeve on systems that do not currently have these devices. Massachusetts insurance … Continue reading Attention Massachusetts Homeowners: Oil Heating System Upgrade & Insurance Law
Avoid an Increase in Your Garage Insurance Premium!
With the economy at an all-time low, people are suffering. Many garage keepers may feel that they are being charged more than he or she should be when it comes to their garage insurance premiums. This may be true! As your reliable insurance agency, we would like to explain to you why this is and how to avoid it at all costs. All insurance companies receive their income from both the premiums they charge and investment income. The premiums paid are used to invest in the marketplace to supplement revenues- which would typically result in returns up to 10%. This … Continue reading Avoid an Increase in Your Garage Insurance Premium!
Mass auto insurance for teen drivers
It’s an exciting time when teenagers first get their license, but it’s also a vulnerable time, as inexperienced drivers are most at risk for being involved in accidents. The best thing you can do as a parent or guardian is equip teens with as much knowledge about safe driving practices as possible. Giving teens the right information can not only help develop their driving skills, but it may significantly lower their Mass auto insurance costs. There are several ways you can help your teen be safe on the road, and if you’re paying for the insurance, you can help yourself … Continue reading Mass auto insurance for teen drivers