The 411 on Employers Civil Liability

For the most part, Massachusetts business owners who are equipped with workers compensation will not be held liable for accidents on company property. As long as the employer provides sufficient workers comp, the employee is generally not allowed to sue the employer. However, there are always some exceptions. Are you aware of them? An injured employee may have the right to receive workers comp AND sue the employer for civil damages if: • The employer is found guilty of violating federal and state anti-discriminatory statute • The employer engages in fraudulent activity • The employer violates sexual harassment laws • … Continue reading The 411 on Employers Civil Liability

Occupational Disease 101

Did you know that occupational diseases are responsible for an estimated 860,000 illnesses and 60,300 deaths each year? According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, these numbers are accurate. This issue is often overlooked, especially when it comes to filing for workers compensation because occupational disease MUST result from the nature of the employee’s condition rather than from a specific job. As a business owner, it is important to understand when occupational disease can be compensated. According to, occupational disease is only compensable if: 1. “A condition peculiar to the occupation causes a disease; 2. The employee contracts … Continue reading Occupational Disease 101

Workers Compensation Terminology, Part 2

As your Massachusetts workers compensation provider, our agency believes it is important to understand workers comp terms (not just the policy!) Having a thorough understanding and working knowledge of these terms may come in handy some time down the line. Last week, we covered the first half of important terms to know. This week, we have five more to go over: #1: Gatekeeper: A “gatekeeper” refers to the physician who is required to give approval to the patient before seeking special medical treatment. #2: Functional Capacity Evaluation: Refers to the testing of an employee’s specific physical activities (lifting, bending, pulling, … Continue reading Workers Compensation Terminology, Part 2

Workers Compensation Terminology, Part 1

As a business owner, it is important to be familiar with Massachusetts workers compensation. After all, it is required by state and federal law! However, many business owners may not be familiar with ALL terms associated with this coverage option. This week, our agency has put together a few terms that business owners should be aware of: #1: Aggravation: Aggravations are not usually temporary and imply a fresh incident that produced additional impairment to a previously injured area. #2: Cumulative Trauma: This concept implies that repeated minor stresses may result in injury or disability. #3: Employability: A term that defines … Continue reading Workers Compensation Terminology, Part 1

Reasons to Maintain a Good Relationship With Your Claims Adjuster

In many Massachusetts workers compensation cases, the main contact that employers and employees will have to deal with is a claims adjuster. The claims adjuster is there to keep track of the state of medical condition the injured employee is in, their working condition and of course, to make sure the interest of the company is protected. In short, the claims adjuster is there to help. However, there are plenty of cases where the adjuster is not treated as well as he or she should be. The key thing to remember: the adjuster is not out to get the employee … Continue reading Reasons to Maintain a Good Relationship With Your Claims Adjuster

Massachusetts Workers Compensation for Employees vs. Contractors

As a business owner, it is important to know that there is a difference between employees and independent contractors. If you do not determine if a worker is an employee or contractor, you may find yourself in trouble when an individual is injured and filing for Massachusetts workers compensation. It is important that Massachusetts business owners properly classify the individuals in the workplace. If misclassified, there may be cases of insurance fraud and deprivation of protection/benefits to employees. If you misclassify an employee in the state of MA, the individual will often be left without unemployment insurance and workers comp … Continue reading Massachusetts Workers Compensation for Employees vs. Contractors

Massachusetts Workers Compensation Terms: 4 Types of Disability

As a business owner, you understand that it is required to purchase Massachusetts workers compensation, whether you have one employee or 200. That being said, it is important that you make yourself familiar with the policy, procedures and relating areas. One important matter to make yourself familiar with: disability. Today, we want to discuss four major types of disability: #1: Permanent Partial Disability: PPD means that an injured employee cannot return to the same type of work that he or she was doing before the injury. The individual is “permanently impaired,” limiting their ability to continue this type of work. … Continue reading Massachusetts Workers Compensation Terms: 4 Types of Disability

Effective Safety Programs for the Workplace

No matter what type of business you are running, it is crucial to have an effective safety program in place. Doing so will make sure both you and your employees are protected from accidents and injuries on the job. While it may not eliminate the chance of an accident 100%, having an active safety program in place may reduce your Massachusetts workers compensation exposure and the number of claims made. The lower the number of claims made, the lower your premium will ultimately be. This reason alone should tell you that an effective safety program is worth it! So how … Continue reading Effective Safety Programs for the Workplace

Do You Know About OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign?

As a business owner, you understand that workplace safety is a priority. Of course, you provide Massachusetts workers compensation, but that does not make it okay for employers to disregard safety procedures and training all together. The fewer number of claims made, the lower the premium. While we at Wolpert know a thing or two about workplace safety, who knows best than OSHA? This week, we want to focus on OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign. According to OSHA, falls are the leading cause of death on the construction site. While this is a scary fact, these falls and deaths ARE PREVENTABLE. … Continue reading Do You Know About OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign?

Massachusetts Workers Compensation: Rehiring an Injured Worker

As a business owner, it is inevitable that you will need to deal with an injured worker. If this is the case, your Massachusetts workers compensation will be there to take care of the costs and make sure the employee does not sue the company for the injury. Once he or she has healed, they will be ready to return to work. The next step: rehiring the injured worker. There are a few things to keep in mind when you go to rehire your employee: • Having an effective return-to-work program will make all the difference. • A RTW program … Continue reading Massachusetts Workers Compensation: Rehiring an Injured Worker