Statistics show that people begin to abandon their New Year’s Resolutions from one to three months after making them. There are several things you can do to keep from giving up on the resolutions you made in January. If you find yourself veering away from a resolution, you may need to review and readjust the goal. If you’ve set a weight loss goal, setting small milestone accomplishments can keep you motivated until you have reached your main goal. It’s also important that your resolutions be firm commitment statements rather than vague generalities. If you made a resolution to eat healthier, … Continue reading Don’t give up on your New Year’s Resolution!
Author: artefact_admin
5 Things You Didn’t know About Brazil’s Carnival
While most people are aware that Brazil’s Carnival is massive, vibrant celebration that prepares participants for the sacrifices that they will make during Lent, those who have never attended are often unaware of finer points of the festivities. From rich, beautiful costuming to the indulgences that celebrants enjoy, Carnival is an excellent farewell to the pleasures that the faithful deny themselves during the 40 days leading up to Easter. 1. While the origins of Carnival are disagreed upon by some, others are certain that the festivities began as a celebration of the Roman festival, Saturnalia, as well as to honor … Continue reading 5 Things You Didn’t know About Brazil’s Carnival
Thank You Note Etiquette
In today’s fast-paced world, the art of the thank you note seems to be frequently overlooked, particularly with younger generations who grew up using mostly electronic communication. For the same reason, taking the time to send an old-fashioned thank you card speaks volumes for your appreciation of both the gift and the person who gave it to you. Here is some etiquette to consider as you begin your post-holiday thank you notes. The Do’s Remember that it’s better late than never: while it’s best to send out your thank you note within a couple weeks of receiving the gift, don’t … Continue reading Thank You Note Etiquette
Tips for Improving Your Financial Health in 2016
You want to start fresh as 2016 begins, and this means making changes to your life that will gradually improve your financial situation as the year goes on. Taking action is not always easy. Here are some tips for improving your financial health in 2016. Increase Your Savings The first step is to find ways to build your savings during 2016. Your goal should be to increase the amount you contribute to your savings account by 15 percent over the course of the year. You can do this by cutting back on spending, cancelling unnecessary services or increasing your income a … Continue reading Tips for Improving Your Financial Health in 2016
Year-End Tax Tips
Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, is something everyone has to do at the end of the year. It is important to remember that there are many tricks you could use to help lower what you owe in taxes. Here are a few year-end tax tips that can save you money. Top Out Your Retirement Savings Accounts The first tip is to top out your retirement savings accounts. You want to contribute up to the maximum limit for the year. That money will instantly become non-taxable and will not count towards your income. Do this for all your … Continue reading Year-End Tax Tips
Pet Safety in Cold Weather
As cold weather approaches, many people take steps to make certain that their homes and automobiles are prepared for the cold temperatures. However, many people fail to consider how the cold weather will impact their pets. Like humans, pets are susceptible to exposure from cold temperatures. In order to keep pets healthy, happy and safe, pet owners need to take a few simple steps. Access to Water and Food Many pets have outside water bowls, especially horses and other large animals. During cold weather, it is important for pet owners to frequently check the water to make certain that the … Continue reading Pet Safety in Cold Weather
Enjoy Roasted Butternut Squash Seeds for World Vegan Month
World Vegan Month in November is a time to celebrate the many benefits of following this type of diet and lifestyle. Vegans have access to many amazing ingredients that create healthy and flavorful meals. Butternut squash seeds are one of those ingredients. Here is a recipe for roasted butternut squash seeds that any vegan will enjoy. Collect and Prepare the Seeds The first step is to collect and prepare the seeds. Each individual butternut squash does not contain a large amount of seeds like a pumpkin. You can get about a single serving from one squash. You can put the … Continue reading Enjoy Roasted Butternut Squash Seeds for World Vegan Month
Are You a Role Model?
It does not take fame and fortune to be a great role model for kids. The average person can inspire local youth in many positive ways that some athletes and celebrities cannot. A great way for adults to become role models is to join programs in community centers. For example, young men can work exclusively with teenage males who may not have any siblings to spend some quality time with. In a sense, guys can take on the role of a big brother for young males. Similarly, young ladies can fulfill the role of a big sister for female teenagers. … Continue reading Are You a Role Model?
Fall Driving Dangers
Fall is a time when things start to change all around the country. New hazards that were not there during summer will start to appear. You need to adjust your driving habits to compensate and stay safe. Here are some fall driving dangers that you should look out for when on the road: Leaves One of the main hazards you need to watch out for in the fall is leaves. The tress will be dropping a large amount of leaves onto the roads. It is important to remember that leaves are incredibly slippery and can cause your tires to lose … Continue reading Fall Driving Dangers
Grow a Mustache for Movember
Movember has grown into a major charitable movement designed to bring issues related to men’s health to the forefront. Movember started in 2004 with just a few dozen people in Australia who want to really make a difference locally. Movember eventually become an official charity and was adopted by millions of people all over the world. Movember now stands as a recognized symbol of the fight to help men stay healthy and address heath concerns during the rest of the year. Here is a little information about why you should grow a mustache for Movember: About the Tradition Movember has … Continue reading Grow a Mustache for Movember