Last week, we discussed Lump Sums in a broad sense. This week, we are here with a few FAQs and answers. As a business owner, you should aim to have enough knowledge in this field, so if an injured employer came to you with concerns, you could help them! Of course, you can always turn to your trusty Massachusetts workers compensation provider, Wolpert Insurance, too! For those of you who are interested in learning more about Lump Sums, read on! FAQ #1: Does an employer have to approve a Lump Sum? Answer: Yes, in many cases it is an employer’s … Continue reading Lump Sum Payments FAQs, Part 1
Author: artefact_admin
What is a Lump Sum Settlement?
Another week, another question. Last week, we discussed Vocational Rehabilitation and what it means for injured workers. This week, let’s talk about lump sum payments. Some may wonder, what is a lump sum? A Lump Sum is a contract between you, your injured employee, and your Massachusetts workers compensation insurer. It is a one-time payment that replaces weekly compensation checks, in and some cases, other benefits that are a part of the package. A judge will then decide whether lump summing is in the injured employees’ best interest. If you are an employer, it is important that you pay attention to this… … Continue reading What is a Lump Sum Settlement?
What is the Definition of Vocational Rehabilitation?
It’s about that time for another Massachusetts workers compensation frequently asked question! At Wolpert Insurance, we believe that business owners should take an interest in getting to know the ins and outs of workers compensation. At times, it is just not enough to know the basics! Fortunately, our agents are here to extend our knowledge from week to week. work injury claim form.png This week, we are going to discuss Vocational Rehabilitation. According to, the Vocational Rehabilitation definition is: “Nonmedical services that may be needed to restore the employee to suitable employment at a salary that is commensurate with … Continue reading What is the Definition of Vocational Rehabilitation?
The Americans with Disabilities Act and What it Means for Workers Comp
We’re back with another informational blog post! This week, we are taking a look at the Americans with Disabilities Act and what it means for Massachusetts workers compensation. First, let’s get to know what this Act is. According to the U.S. Department of Education, “The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities that are like those provided to individuals on the basis of race, sex, national origin, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications.” In this case, we are … Continue reading The Americans with Disabilities Act and What it Means for Workers Comp
How Does Workers Compensation Work When Paying an Injured Worker?
We’re back again with another Massachusetts workers compensation FAQ! As your reliable insurance provider, we believe it to be important that you are 100% educated and aware of this essential policy and the way it works. Many employers may wonder: Do I have to pay an injured worker for the entire day if they have to leave work due to an accident? Good question! So, how does workers compensation work in this case? Allow us to explain… In short, the answer is no. Under Massachusetts state law, the only requirement is that you must pay workers for the hours that … Continue reading How Does Workers Compensation Work When Paying an Injured Worker?
The Dangers Employers May Face when an Employee Comes Back to Work
Employee is injured and out of work on Massachusetts workers compensation. The employee takes time off, goes to visit their doctor and is cleared. This is wonderful, right? Well, sometimes. The truth is, employers may face a variety of dangers once they receive a back to full duty release from a doctor concerning an employee who was out on workers compensation. He or she may be afraid to return the employee to his full time position because they fear that another injury may occur, or the injury may become worse. If this is the case, it is important for employers … Continue reading The Dangers Employers May Face when an Employee Comes Back to Work
HIPAA and Workers Compensation: What You Need to Know
Another week, another workers compensation lesson from your trusty Massachusetts workers compensation provider! This week, we would like to discuss HIPAA and its relation to workers compensation. Many employers mistakenly believe that HIPAA prevents medical personnel from discussing medical conditions related to workers compensation. This week, we are here to set the record straight. We would like to take the time to education employers that there exists an exception, specifically for workers compensation injuries. First, you may wonder what the primary purpose of the HIPAA privacy rule is. Let’s start with that. This rule protects from unauthorized disclosure of any … Continue reading HIPAA and Workers Compensation: What You Need to Know
Reducing the Cost of Workers Compensation, Post-Loss
We’re back for Part 2 of Reducing the Cost of Workers Compensation. This week, we will be discussing a few techniques that should be implemented in order to keep your premium low, post-loss. It is no secret that a claim made on your workers compensation could affect your premium. Fortunately, with the right game plan in place, you may not have to worry about an increase! Our specialists at Wolpert Insurance are here to share a few steps that could help keep your premium as low as possible – even after a claim! #1: Make medical attention a priority. If … Continue reading Reducing the Cost of Workers Compensation, Post-Loss
Reducing the Cost of Workers Compensation, Pre-Loss
It’s a brand new week and a great time for a brand new workers compensation blog post! This week, we are going to be discussing how to reduce the cost of workers compensation, pre-loss. The best tactic to saving money on your workers compensation is to PREVENT injuries before they actually happen. Many may think “accidents will happen, no matter what!” but this is not always the case. In fact, most accidents are EXTREMELY PREVENTABLE. It all comes down to a few important things… #1: Education #2: Joint Labor-Management Safety Committees First and foremost, it is important that you embrace … Continue reading Reducing the Cost of Workers Compensation, Pre-Loss
The Consequences of Having No Workers Compensation
As a business owner in the state of Massachusetts, you should have a pretty good understanding of workers compensation. More than likely, you understand what workers compensation is and when workers compensation is required. However, are you aware of the consequences of NOT having workers compensation? This week, we have the answers right here. If you are an employer who is operating WITHOUT workers comp, you will be issued a STOP WORK ORDER by the Department of Industrial Accidents’’ (DIA) Office of Investigations. You may also be required to pay a minimum fine of $250 per day, beginning on the … Continue reading The Consequences of Having No Workers Compensation