Some kids put some awful stupid statements in writing.. Libel, the things one writes, are easier to prove than the foolish things that one says (slander). Parents may not think about these things until they get sued and then it may be too late! In San Antonio, Texas, an assistant high school principal filed suit against two former students AND their parents for alleged defamatory statements made on the internet. She is suing for “defamation, negligence and gross negligence” for the “lewd, defamatory and obscene comments, pictures and graphics.” She is also suffering because multitudes of individuals have and continue … Continue reading Are You Responsible for What Your Kids Write over the Internet and Are You Covered?
Author: artefact_admin
Workers Comp Form 101s
Part of owning a business is understanding everything there is to know about Massachusetts workers compensation. Since you’re the owner, almost everything falls upon you when a situation arises that may lead to a workers comp claim being filed. Whether you are the one in charge of filing claims or it’s a supervisor or manager, there should be multiple people in your company who know that filing an “employer’s first report” form is the first thing to do following an employee injury. Technically called “Form 101: employer’s first report or injury fatality,” this document ensures that an injury that occurred … Continue reading Workers Comp Form 101s
Five costly return-to-work mistakes for employers
Even if an employer and employee goes through the Massachusetts worker’s compensation according to all the guidelines, issues can still arise when the employee returns to work and both parties think most of the situation is behind them. With the economy the way it is coupled with newly enacted ADA Amendment Act (ADAAA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the economic and legal landscape has changed for employers. Having a strong return-to-work focus can help employer’s when it comes to employee’s returning from injury. Here are the five of the most common return-to-work mistakes: 1. Failure to recognize … Continue reading Five costly return-to-work mistakes for employers
Utilizing Respirators Safely and Properly
Protecting you is our first priority and we won’t stop until you get what you need. Does your company have workers using respirators? A respirator can be a vital tool in protection workers from inhaling harmful chemicals in the air and it’s important that they are being used and maintained correctly. Maintaining a respirator is very essential in that if you and your employees do not do a good job of doing so, they may not function properly and a worker may inhale harmful chemicals. You don’t want to have to file a claim on your Massachusetts worker’s compensation, do … Continue reading Utilizing Respirators Safely and Properly
Winter Safety for Construction Sites
The winter can pose many different types of hazards, and this is especially true for construction sites. If you’re operating a construction site, are your employees aware of the dangers that exist when it gets colder and icier outside? Employers must take extra precaution to protect workers from cold weather related injuries, according to OSHA. If you want to educate your workers on staying safe in the winter and avoiding any Massachusetts workers compensation claims, here are some precautions to pass on: • Remove or improve any environment and workplace conditions that may be dangerous. • Learn symptoms and signs … Continue reading Winter Safety for Construction Sites
What Are Worker’s Compensation Class Codes?
Wolpert Insurance & Risk Management understands how difficult and confusing Massachusetts workers compensation can be. However, for small business owners looking for answers to their questions they’ve come to the right place. Specifically, some business owners like you may be wondering what workers compensation “class codes” are all about and what purpose they serve. If you’d like to learn more, here’s some information for you. What is a worker’s compensation classification code? The way a class code works is this: Numbers are assigned to certain types of jobs. For instance, construction tool manufacturing has a class code of 3126 and … Continue reading What Are Worker’s Compensation Class Codes?
How to Keep Your Massachusetts Worker’s Compensation Claims Down
Following a workplace accident, employers can perform certain actions that may have an effect on the cost of the workers compensation claim they subsequently file. If you’re an employer and you’re trying to be cautious when it comes to employee injuries and filing claims, you may want to head our advice. Throughout the Massachusetts workers compensation process, a lot of things can happen so it’s important to understand the procedure to limit any errors. 1. Medical attention: When an employee is injured or suffers an illness, the first and most important thing to do is provide immediate medical attention. An … Continue reading How to Keep Your Massachusetts Worker’s Compensation Claims Down
Effective Safety Measures for Using Stairways and Ladders
When you work in construction, contracting, or any type of business that involves using ladders and stairways, there are always risks involved. Business managers and employees must know about the injuries that can occur if ladders and stairways are not being used in a safe and smart manner. Your workers compensation insurance in Massachusetts may be affected if an employee is ever injured this way. Stairways and ladders cause many injuries among construction workers, and about half of the injuries caused by slips, trips and falls from ladders and stairways require time off from the job. Often on construction sites, … Continue reading Effective Safety Measures for Using Stairways and Ladders
Are Independent Contractors Covered Under Workers Compensation?
A question that often comes up in regards to worker’s compensation issues is whether or not independent contractors are covered under this type of policy. Because independent contractors are not permanent employees, it can be difficult for employers to determine whether or not they are responsible for injuries to independent contractors performing a job for them. While this issue can vary from state to state, independent contractors are normally not covered because they are not permanent employees. However, in 2004 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a new law saying that employers are indeed responsible for securing Massachusetts workers comp for … Continue reading Are Independent Contractors Covered Under Workers Compensation?
Scaffold Safety and Avoiding Massachusetts Worker’s Compensation Claims
Occupations that involve employees using scaffolds, such as construction workers and painters, must be taken seriously. Any slight mishap on a scaffold could lead to serious injury for an employee, so if your business often uses scaffolds it’s important to maintain a high level of safety at all times. While Massachusetts workers compensation may help cover scaffold related injuries, you’re better off avoiding them all together. According to OSHA, an estimated 65% of construction workers use scaffolds to perform jobs. There are many hazards involved with using scaffolds, such as falls, falling objects and electrocution. Preventing scaffold injuries can be … Continue reading Scaffold Safety and Avoiding Massachusetts Worker’s Compensation Claims