Most companies that use physical labor, such as contractors or electricians, require the use of power tools while on the job. Because using power tools is so vital for your employees to do their job, it’s necessary that you make it apparent to your employees that they follow the proper safety features to avoid any injuries. Your company may avoid having to file any Massachusetts workers compensation claims, as well. Whether it’s a band saw or a power drill, it’s always important to be safe regardless of your expertise in using the tool. Here are some precautions to share with … Continue reading Getting the Correct Info on Massachusetts Workers Comp
Author: artefact_admin
Avoiding Workers Compensation Fraud in Massachusetts
As a business owner you have a lot of decisions on your hands, one of which is making sure your workers compensation coverage is sufficient. Sometimes—whether intentional or not—employees commit workers compensation fraud that hurt small businesses financially, but there are some steps you can take to make sure your workers compensation in Massachusetts is dealt with legally and effectively. Report injuries immediately: Any time an employee injury occurs on your premises, always alert your insurance agent who will then make sure the injury is documented in a timely manner. That way, the injured employee will not be able to … Continue reading Avoiding Workers Compensation Fraud in Massachusetts
How to Create Effective Return to Work Programs in Massachusetts
Oh no! Your best worker is injured on the job. Besides being the company’s duty to provide workers compensation, it is also crucial to get the employee back into the workplace as soon as possible. As a business owner in Massachusetts, a return to work (RTW) program may be the most effective way of dealing with an injured employee and doing so. Here are five steps that are absolutely necessary for creating an effective RTW program. #1: Recruit a return-to-work team to be responsible for the program. Together, this team can develop a policy that reflects the company’s commitment, expectations, … Continue reading How to Create Effective Return to Work Programs in Massachusetts
Forklift Safety in the Warehouse
A few weeks ago, we discussed a variety of hazards that affect warehouse workers each year, from the improper use of equipment to poor respiratory protection. It is no secret that warehouse workers put their lives at risk each day, especially when you take a look at statistics. Did you know that the fatal injury rate for warehouse workers is higher than the national average for workers in ALL industries? That is quite an eye-opener! As promised, our agency is ready to focus on a few of these hazards and provide a few safety tips that may end up … Continue reading Forklift Safety in the Warehouse
What are the Coverage Benefits of Workers Compensation?
Generally speaking, most Massachusetts business owners cannot get out of purchasing workers compensation. Whether you have one employee or 100, workers comp is a necessity. This week, we would like to discuss a few of the coverage benefits of workers compensation. Soon, you will see just how valuable this policy is! First, a workers’ compensation policy is designed to provide benefits to employees for job-related injuries, illness or deaths mandated by state law in states where employees live and are hired. The policy will include coverage for: death benefits, medical expenses, loss income, rehabilitation benefits and transportation expenses. To go … Continue reading What are the Coverage Benefits of Workers Compensation?
ATTENTION Warehouse Workers: Possible Hazards in the Workplace
Do you work in a warehouse? This blog is specifically aimed towards you! According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than 145,000 people work in over 7,000 warehouses. Alongside that statistic, the fatal injury rate for the warehousing injury is higher than the national average for ALL industries. With such alarming stats, our agency has taken it upon ourselves to point out these hazards and the solutions to them. Over the next few weeks, we will be going in further depth, from forklift safety to correcting poor ergonomics. This week, we are here to point out a … Continue reading ATTENTION Warehouse Workers: Possible Hazards in the Workplace
Avoid Overexertion in the Workplace to Prevent Injuries & Claims
A hard worker is a great worker. This may be true, but sometimes the harder one works, the more likely he or she will experience overexertion. According to the National Safety Council (NSC) “overexertion is the third leading cause of unintentional injuries in the United States, accounting for about 3.3 million emergency room visits.” Not to mention, a leading cause for employees to file for workers compensation. Overexertion may affect employees differently, but the most common injuries are strains and sprains in the lower back. Overexertion may occur due to excessive physical effort. This may include: carrying, pulling, holding, lowering, … Continue reading Avoid Overexertion in the Workplace to Prevent Injuries & Claims
Battling Insurance Fraud in Your Business
Insurance fraud continues to rise in the United States. According to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud website, Harvard University statistics state that “workers compensation insurers in Massachusetts alone lose $100 million a year in unpaid premiums to businesses that illegally pay workers cash under the table or falsely label employees as independent contractors.” Besides this, workers compensation scams are also present. As a business owner, it is important to understand the measures that must be taken in order to avoid workers comp and insurance fraud. If not, you may find your business paying a hefty premium as the number of … Continue reading Battling Insurance Fraud in Your Business
Meet Our New Employee: Marilyn Doe
We have a new employee at Wolpert Insurance that we would like to introduce: meet Marilyn Doe! Marilyn joined our agency in late May as the producer for Livery and Limousines. Marilyn received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Finance and a minor in Management from Nichols College in Massachusetts. She comes from an experienced and great financial background and has proven that to our agency over the past few months. From a bank teller to a financial representative to a personal lines customer service representative, Marilyn has a variety of experience that has built … Continue reading Meet Our New Employee: Marilyn Doe
Ladder Safety 101
Do your employees use ladders on an everyday basis? For many trade professions, such as electricians, roofers and builders, using a ladder is the norm. If this is the case, it is important that you go over ladder safety tips with your employees at least once a year. This can be done through formal training for new employees or refresher seminars for current employees. According to OSHA, ladders are a major source of injuries and fatalities. It is estimated that there are nearly 24,882 injuries a year due to falls from stairways and ladders, including around 36 fatalities. In light … Continue reading Ladder Safety 101