When you are in the office every day, you might want to make it a little more “homey” with some items that help you feel more comfortable. Having your own coffee mug or potted plants might be all you need to make your workspace more enjoyable. As a boss, allowing your employees to have some personal items at work can really improve productivity and morale. But if your employees’ personal property breaks or causes problems at work, you might have more on your plate than you could imagine.
There are some things that you may want to limit for your employees that could cause issues at work. Candles, space heaters, electric cup warmers, hot pots and other items that could be fire hazards should be avoided completely. If a fire were to occur caused by an employee’s personal heating device, it will still be your business’s expense.
Also, some items like plants or flowers can cause problems for other employees as well. Some flowers can result in allergic reactions by other employees which can cause issues between your workers. Personal music systems with headphones can also be a hazard if your employees can not hear you properly. There are some things that should be left at home.
You will want to check with your business insurance policy to see how employees’ personal items are covered and if your business will cover damage done by them. Once you find out the rules you can set some ground rules. Make sure you set rules for what can be brought in and what can not. Let them know the reasoning behind your rules and have consequences or those who do not follow. It is up to you as a business owner to know what can and can not be brought to the office. Keep everyone – and your business safe!