If you’re having a difficult time understanding the ins and outs of your insurance policy, not to worry; you’re not alone!
The following information is based on a survey of about 2370 adults (age 18+): approximately 2100 are current drivers; 2080 currently have insurance. More than one-third of insured American drivers who have read (or at least tried to read) some of their insurance policies have had trouble making sense of them.
Even though more than 30 states (including Massachusetts and SOME of New England) have established laws made to simply the language in insurance policies-including auto and home-many insureds are still confused by how their policies are written and have trouble determining what’s covered and what’s not.
A group has since formed and has begun working on bringing more understanding to the way insurance policies are written. However, the changes may not come into affect until some years down the road.
If you’re not sure what your insurance policy covers, Wolpert recommends that you call your agent as soon as you have a question regarding your policy. In the event of an automobile accident or weather damage to your home in which a claim is filed, you want to know exactly what’s covered and what is not.
Don’t think you need to memorize your ENTIRE policy; just make sure you have received clarification on the amount of coverage included in your policy.